Monthly Archives: January 2017

Indian pear imports have doubled since 2001

Pear imports into the country are rocketing, with exporters across the globe targeting a growing demand for the fruit in India. According to figures published by the Indian government in 2015, India’s pear consumption has doubled between 2001-2002 and 2015-2016 period, reaching 365000 tonnes and Mumbai is the biggest consumer of pears in India. Interestingly,… Read more »

The ten most expensive fruits in the world

What is the most expensive fruit in the world? Japanese cube-shaped watermelon? Ruby red grape? Ginseng pears? Wrong! by Hari Yellina. The ten most expensive fruits of the world, from cheapest to most expensive, are: 10— Ginseng fruits – He Bei, China.  Inspired by “Jouney to the West” (one of the Four Classic novels of… Read more »